The Concord Carpenter on “Livable Remodeling” and the Dust Problem Nov 2019
Rob Robillard, GC Carpenter and tool reviewer, posted the following advice for professional remodelers on his Instagram page:
When discussing contractor professional development we often refer to the term, “livable remodeling.” Livable remodeling refers to providing building and remodeling services to your clients in a way that:
- Reduces stress
- Minimizes health risks – such as airborne dust
- Ensures their home is livable during the process
- Details and explains steps in the scope of work process
- Promotes outstanding communication
- Dust Control System
The Dust Problem
If you still use a box fan in the window your “old School” and potentially dangerous!
EPA requirements today not only prohibit the archaic fan in the window, but also require that dust be captured and contained with certified HEPA equipment. See U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule, 40 CFR 745, Subpart E regarding lead safe work practices. Read more on the lead dust in construction at ConcordCarpenter.com
If best practices for containing dust are not followed, dust tends to migrate to the non-work areas of the house.
One of the biggest nuances for clients is dust, but it’s more than that. Dust is a real health hazard and can trigger asthma attacks in children and adults, allergic reactions, and problems for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
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